Current game: Nier
Platform: PS3
Current play through: My first
Current party (if applicable): Well, there's the Main Character, whose name is whatever you want it to be (hahaa... It's Julie in my game...When it said "Enter Your Name" I didn't think that would become the MC's name), and right now he's accompanied by a book names Grimoire Weiss.
Current level(s) (if applicable): Level 4
Current location: The Main Character's Home Village
Current in game clock time: Maybe 4 hours or so?
How have you been using your in game time?: Getting used to the environment, progressing through the story, and talking to peoples.
Current objective: Visit the Chief of The Aerie
Next objective: Idk, but probably something to do with the Main Character's daughter.
Thought of the game at the point you are currently at: Pretty enjoyable.So far, it looks like there's quite a bit to do, since the townspeople like for you to run errands for them, not to mention the main story. Idk how long the game is though.
Total game overs?: 2... I couldn't figure out how to defeat that first boss fight in the beginning, since I didn't catch how to finish him off... I pressed the button too fast, and it made the message dissappear before I got a chance to read it.
Favorite event so far: When I obtained Grimoire Wiess, and he goes on about how he's sooo powerful, but when it came time to fight, he stammered that he couldn't recall most of his magic.
Favorite character and why: Grimoire Weiss. He's hilarious. He pipes up with snarky little quips every so often, and it amuses me. His voice is awesome too.
Comments: I found the game for a pretty good price, and after hearing positive feedback from a few TFFers, I decided to purchase it.So far, it's pretty enjoyable. Great music, and a pretty interesting story so far. I'm a bit iffy on the battle mechanics, but mostly when it comes to magic. That took a bit to get used to. Also dodging. Gotta get better with that.